Try to find out about the accounting concepts that are being followed in your organization and examine the role that these concepts play in the preparation of the Financial Statements. Give your views on the accounting concepts that are being followed in your organization.
Answer. The theory of accounting has developed the concept of a "true and fair view". The true and fair view is applied in ensuring and assessing whether accounts do indeed portray accurately the business' activities.
To support the application of the "true and fair view", accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently.
Going concern: This concept is the underlying assumption that any accountant makes when he prepares a set of accounts. That the business under consideration will remain in existence for the foreseeable future. Without this concept, accounts would have to be drawn up on the 'winding up' basis. That is, on what the business is likely to be worth if it is sold piecemeal at the date of the accounts. The winding up value would almost certainly be different from the going concern value shown. Such circumstances as the state of the market and the availability of finance are important considerations here.
Accruals: Otherwise known as the matching principle. The purpose of this concept is to make sure that all revenues and costs are recorded in the appropriate statement at the appropriate time. Thus, when a profit statement is compiled, the cost of goods sold relevant to those sales should be recorded accurately and in full in that statement. Costs concerning a future period must be carried forward as a prepayment for that period and not charged in the current profit statement. For example, payments made in advance such as the prepayment of rent would be treated in this way. Similarly, expenses paid in arrears must, although paid after the period to that they relate, also be shown in the current period's profit statement: by means of an accruals adjustment.
Consistency: Because the methods employed in treating certain items within the accounting records may be varied from time to time, the concept of consistency has come to be applied more and more rigidly. For example, because there can be no single rate of depreciation chargeable on all fixed assets, every business has potentially a lot of discretion over the precise rate it chooses to use. However, if it wishes, a business may vary the rates at which it charges depreciation and alter the profits it reports at the same time. Consider the effects on profit of charging depreciation at 15% this year on 10,000 worth of fixed assets and then charging depreciation at 10% next year on the same 10,000 worth of fixed assets. This year you would charge 1,500 against profits and next year it would be only 1,000, using the straight line method of providing for depreciation.
Because of these sorts of effects, it is now accepted practice that when a company chooses to treat items such as depreciation in a particular way in the accounts it should go on using that method year after year. If it is NECESSARY to change the method being employed or the rates being charged then an explanation of the change and the effects it is having on the results must be shown as a note to the accounts being presented.
Prudence or conservatism concept: It is this concept more than any other that has given rise to the idea that accountants are pessimistic boring people!! Basically the concept says that whenever there are alternative procedures or values, the accountant will choose the one that results in a lower profit, a lower asset value and a higher liability value. The concept is summarized by the well known phrase 'anticipate no profit and provide for all possible losses'. Thus, undue optimism can never be part of the make up of an accountant! The danger is that if an optimistic view of profits is given then dividends may be paid out of profits that have not been earned.
Objectivity: The objectivity concept requires an accountant to draw up any accounts, and further analysis, only on the basis of objective and factual information. Thus, this concept attempts to ensure that if, for example, 100 accountants were to draw up a set of accounts for one business, there would be 100 identical accounting statements prepared. Everyone would be obtaining and using only facts. The problem here is that there are many aspects of accounting ensuring that objectivity cannot be universally applicable in the preparation of accounts. For example, with fixed assets: the cost of a van must be known at its purchase: say 30,000. However, how long will this van be in service? I say five years, my colleague could say 10 years. If I prepare the accounts using the straight line method of depreciation calculation, I would provide 30,000 ÷ 5 = 6,000 each year for depreciation; my colleague would charge 30,000 ÷ 10 = 3,000 each year for depreciation; and both of us could be correct! The problem is that with an issue such as depreciation we are not always able to be objective.
Duality: This is the very foundation of the universally applicable double entry book keeping system and it stems from the fact that every transaction has a double (or dual) effect on the position of a business as recorded in the accounts. For example, when an asset is bought, another asset cash (or bank) is also and simultaneously decreased OR a liability such as creditors is also and simultaneously increased. Similarly, when a sale is made the asset of stock is reduced as goods leave the business and the asset of cash is increased (or the asset of debtors is increased) as cash comes into the business (or a promise to pay is made and accepted). Every financial transaction behaves in this dual way.
Accounting Entity Concept: The idea here is that the financial transactions of one individual or a group of individuals must be kept separate from any unrelated financial transactions of those same individuals or group. The best example here concerns that of the sole trader or one man business: in this situation you may have the sole trader taking money by way of 'drawings': money for his own personal use. Despite it being his business and apparently his money, there are still two aspects to the transaction: the business is 'giving' money and the individual is 'receiving' money. So, the affairs of the individuals behind a business must be kept separate from the affairs of the business itself.
Cost Concept: This concept is based on the notion that only the costs paid to acquire an asset are relevant and thus should be the only costs to be shown in the accounts. For example, fixed assets are shown on the balance sheet at the price paid to acquire them; that is, their historic cost less depreciation written off to date.
There is a problem in this area. That is the one of value. The accountant will rarely talk of value in this context since the use of such a term implies personal bias. After all, the value of an asset as far as I am concerned may be different to the value of the same asset as far as you may be concerned. The application of the cost concept ensures that subjective judgements play no part in the drawing up of accounting statements.
Monetary Measurement: The money measurement concept is one of the simpler concepts. It simply and clearly states that only those transactions that are true financial transactions may be accounted for. That is, only those transactions that may be expressed in money values (whatever the currency) are of interest to the accountant.
A new manager might improve employee morale and the improved morale might improve the performance of the business, but unlike the purchase of a new asset for example, the improved morale cannot be accurately expressed in monetary terms and therefore will not be recorded in the financial statements.
Materiality: We are concerned here with the idea that accountants should concern themselves only with matters that are significant because of their size and should not consider trivial matters. The problem, of course, is in deciding what is and what is not material: we are concerned here with RELATIVE IMPORTANCE. As far as an individual is concerned, the loss of a £10 would be important and MATERIAL. As far as Chevron or Barclays Bank are concerned, the loss of £10 could be considered unimportant in many circumstances and therefore immaterial: please note I am not suggesting that fraud or carelessness in the handling of money is acceptable!!
Realization: The realization concept helps the accountant to determine the point at that he feels that a transaction is certain enough for the profit to be made on it to be calculated and taken to the profit and loss account. Realization occurs when a sale is made to a customer. The basic rule is that revenue is created at the moment a sale is made, and not when the account is later settled by cheque or by cash. Thus, profit can be taken to the profit and loss account on sales made, even though the money has not been collected. The sale is deemed to be made when the goods are delivered, and thus profit cannot be taken to the profit and loss account on orders received and not yet filled. An exception to this rule would be a long term contract that involve payments on account before completion of the work.
Example: Pitti Laminations
Pitti Laminations Ltd started production in 1987. It is located in Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh , India . The factories are located in a 50KM radius of the city. The company manufactures electrical laminations up to a diameter of 1300 mm (51”) for application in Industrial motors, DC Machines, Alternators, Traction Motors, Pumps, Train lighting generators, Aeronautics, Medical diagnostics equipments, Windmill generators, Laminations for specialized applications, Die-Cast Rotors, Assembled Stators and Built-up Rotors duly balanced. We produce small laminations via High Speed Press for compressors.
Significant Account Concept and Policies
1.1 Basis of Accounting: The financial statements are prepared under the historic cost and convention on the basis of a going concern with revenues recognized and expenses accounted on their accrual.
1.2 Fixed Assets: Fixed assets are stated at cost net of CENVAT. Expenditure which is of capital nature is capitalized. Such expenditure comprises of purchase price, import duties, levies and any directly attributable cost of bringing the assets to their working condition. Depreciation is provided under Straight line method. The expenditure of capital nature incurred on the leased property is treated as leased and depreciation is charged over the lease period.
1.3 Investments: Long term investments are stated at cost, and provision is made when there is a decline, other than temporary in the carrying value of such investments.
1.4 Borrowing Costs: Borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition/ construction of qualifying assets are capitalized for the eligible period. Other borrowing costs are charged to P/L account.
1.5 Inventories: inventories are valued as under:
q Raw material are valued at cost based on weighted average cost per unit.
q Work-in-progress is valued at an estimated cost.
q Finished goods are valued at cost or market whichever is lower.
q Stores and spares are valued based on weighted average cost per unit.
q Scrap is valued at realizable value.
q Tools and dies manufactured in the company’s in house toop room are valued at cost on consistent basis. Consumption of tools is calculated on the actual wear and tear of these written off net of salvage value.
1.6 Retirement benefits
q Gratuity is provided based on 15 days salary for each year of completed service for all employees who had put in service of 5 years or more.
q Provident fund is administered through regional provident fund commissioner. The contribution to the provident fund is charged against revenue.
q Leave encashment is provided for as per the rules of the company in force.
1.7 Foreign Currency Transactions: Revenue transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the dates when the relevant transactions took place. The company recognizes gains/losses on foreign exchange rate fluctuations relating to current assets and current liabilities at the year end.
1.8 Taxation
Current year Charge: The provision for taxation is based on assessable profits of the company as determined under the income tax act, 1961. Provision is also made for fringe benefit tax under the income tax Act, 1961.
Deferred tax: the company is providing and recognizing deferred tax on timing differences between taxable income and accounting income subject to consideration of prudence.